Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Marathon Man

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I was going to meet Simon Reed, who is in training for the next London Marathon. Simon is currently being trained by Jon and Maggie, two of our Fitness Instructors at Shorefield Country Park; Maggie has given us an update on how Simon is getting on with his training.

"I started training Simon Reed about seven months ago. He came to me asking for my help! Simon had to pull out of last year’s Marathon 2013, at the last moment, due to injury.

Since March 2013 I have been working with Simon to reach his goals and one of those is to running the London Marathon 2014 injury free, with in four hours. We have been working on improving core strength, increase flexibility and improving muscular tone in a functional (day to day life) way.

Simon and I are just about to embark on his cardio training for the marathon and Simon also attends running club with Richard Penn in a Saturday morning. Simon is very committed to his training sessions with me every Sunday morning at 7:30am and so far we are on track. Well done Simon for sticking with your training".

Good luck to Simon and we'll be catching up with him in November to see how his training is going. WI

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