Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Shorefield Holidays Social Journey

On the 30th June we will be celebrating the fourth annual Social Media Day which was created by digital blogging site Mashable to celebrate the way social media has changed our lives on a daily basis.

So how did social become social? Well, it is in our very nature as humans to interact socially and the very fact that it takes just seconds to interact with friends, family and other individuals adds to this appeal. Of course these days social networking is no longer a novelty you, your parents and your dog can have access to Facebook, Twitter and the many other social sites that are now available.

Nowadays social isn't just about your own profile and reaching out to people we know; it’s about interacting with brands and business’ such as the Guardian and the BBC etc... We've all noticed, and in some cases taken part in, commenting on various news articles and these are often fed back to the news provider itself. There also examples such as Reddit and Digg, which allow strangers to interact and form opinions on content that is provided by users themselves. From a company point of view we use our social channels to do just that; interact and gain feedback on opinions on the content we provide.

Our social journey as a company begun in 2009 with the formation of our company Twitter page which is still going strong today. We tweet with our customers, local businesses, bloggers and many more aiming to be a voice of influence and assistance to those seeking good value family fun in and around the New Forest. Around the same time we also launched our Idea Scale forum; we used this to listen to feedback and ideas from both our owners and leisure members. In 2011 both our Reflections Elemis Spa Facebook page as well as the Shorefield Parks Facebook page were launched with the aim of providing information and assistance for both existing and potential customers regarding all elements of the Shorefield experience along with a competition or two. Our most recent addition to the Shorefield social family is Google Plus, another channel to share images, ideas and blog posts. 

So where will we be in 10 years’ time? Perhaps overrun with robots and controlled by Skynet? It's hard to say but no doubt we'll still be celebrating Social Media Day for years to come. WI

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