Monday 24 June 2013

We let the dogs out......

The annual Labrador Lifeline Trusts dog show at Sway Manor Hotel was a lot of fun. It was nice to see so many rescue dogs looking healthy and happy with their new owners, this really is a great charity and the evidence was parading around the show with waggy tails and doting owners. Having heard from some of the owners about the condition these dogs are found in by the charity, it is a wonder they are still alive and remarkable that they are as well-adjusted and good tempered as was on display this Saturday.
Simon, Winona and I all attended the show along with Pippa, Jasper, Turpin and Emmylou (Our dogs). We took the trailer along to advertise what we do and we came away with some good leads (pun intended). Shorefield Holidays were the main sponsor of the day and it was a good opportunity for us to market our  products and services to both locals and visitors to the area and let people know about our Pet Friendly attitude on all our parks.
Unfortunately the weather wasn't on side as the wind picked up the visitors began to drift off although a good number stayed to see the event through to the finale. There was a fantastic variety of dogs in attendance from French Bulldogs to Irish Wolfhounds the whole canine spectrum seemed to be represented, this is an annual event and certainly a day out I would recommend to put in the calendar for next year.
You can take a look at more of our pictures from the day on our Facebook pageBL

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